Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Day 127, 5/7/2013 - Eat, Texas Roadhouse was the choice for dinner before Tuesday rehearsal this week. I decided to have something new, Chicken Fried Chicken. Too often, when I like a restaurant, I get set in my ways and order the same thing over and over. The Chicken Fried Chicken was a nice change. Pray, I pray that I continue the process of learning Windows 8 and office 2013 on my office and personal computers. Like the foods we eat, we get so comfortable with things being a certain way in our everyday lives. Change is actually good for the brain as new synapses are caused to fire when you are learning something new. Joy, I was able to experience tomorrow today when a friend forwarded the Google screen for Japan (Japan is ahead of us by about 1/2 day). It is Google's way of paying homage to Saul Bass (born 5/8/1920), designer, artist, and auteur of opening credits for movies such as West Side Story, Vertigo, Spartacus, and more. It is an anamated video which uses a Dave Brubeck song, "Unsquare Dance." We are playing it on handbells for our concerts in June entitled, "Let's Dance!" If you are reading this on 5/8/13 in the USA you can experience it today! Go to and click play.

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