Thursday, August 18, 2016

June/July/August 2016

Eat – Yes, I continue to eat every day. Some days are more nutritional than others. In June I found Joy in helping decorate “Texas” cookies with my good friend, Nancy. We welcomed a new Interim Pastor at the church where I work. Yes, I ate several, they were as yummy as they looked. I continue to enjoy my Blue Apron deliveries with friends and family. My son, John recently challenged me to a Fitbit challenge called the Workweek Hustle. I was competing with a group of 20 and 30 somethings. I didn’t have to be in 1st place but I challenged myself to not come in last. I think I did alright for a “Mom.” It was also incentive to eat more healthily. My daughter got me hooked on Greek yogurt not too long ago. A great source of protein each morning. Yogurt with berries and granola…yum! When the Fitbit challenge was done I was amazed to come in 3rd place out of 9. What I gained from participating was much more important than winning. I am getting up earlier each work day so that I can get in a 30 minute workout each morning. I challenged myself to get 4000 steps in before leaving the house. Feeling pretty good about my progress. 

Pray – Where do I begin? I pray daily for the world and the nations leaders. Racial & social injustice. Peace on many fronts. As both national conventions went on in July I watched and heard the highlights of both. I do not remember a time in my lifetime of voting when the conventions seemed to embody such internal discord. I pray that both parties will be united by the time of the election in November and that the best leader for this time and place will be chosen. Of course, I have my preferences, but I will pray for what is best for our nation and believe and have faith in God’s master plan.

Joy – Writing for this blog reminds me of my commitment to “find joy in every day.” My Joy in June, July, and August has been in my music, specifically my solo handbell ringing. Just beginning on my solo ringing journey. I scheduled and rang for four different churches this summer. Beautiful places of worship! I even invested in a Solo Port-A-Bell Case which holds three octaves of bells (all I usually need). “Each performance is different,” I heard a handbell soloist say. Oh, how true this is! I now say that each performance is, “Uniquely Organic.” You can never predict what will go wrong or right! You just have to go along for the ride! Ah, the joy it can bring if you embrace it.