Sunday, February 2, 2014

Comfort in food, friends and family!

January certainly proved to be true to form with regard to weather. But, Texas being Texas, it is in the 70’s one day and in the 20’s the next. February is arriving in the same style. These cold days have caused me to crave several of my favorite comfort foods, like soups and chili. Enjoyed tomato soup and a grilled cheese at Applebee’s with friends from another time. We call ourselves the Goodloe Girls. Five of us worked together for about two years in the same realty company. It was good to get together after almost a year. Changes have come about for all of us. One became very sick and was hospitalized and ill for some time, another will move to California soon, another has bragging rights for several grandchildren. But, through it all, we remain friends even though the bond of working together is gone.

Friends are so important during important times of our lives. When there is a birth, wedding, celebration or death we are drawn to our friends. My prayers are with my friend, Lynn, and her family as they grieve the loss of her dad, Stan. Another friend, Jackie is gone before her time. We sang together in the church choir for years. She was always so delightful and positive. Her daughter and I have the common bond of both having twins. Prayers for Jackie’s family at this time of loss.

Family is so important. We must cultivate those relationships at all times. I am so blessed to have my family, a sister, three children, a niece, cousins, etc. They bring me joy in unexpected ways. This week I received a photo frame with pictures of my three children. Unbeknownst to me the three of them had a photo session when they were all in town in January. The result, wonderful pictures taken by daughter, Sarah, such a talented photographer. My photo of it does not do it justice. I will hang it proudly and know that I am blessed abundantly each time I look at it. I am so joyful at the news of my niece, Amy, and her engagement. I will definitely “save the date” as she requested in a text yesterday. Family, we can go for weeks without seeing or talking to them, knowing that they will be there when we need them. Do not take family for granted, tell them you love them at every opportunity. Life is unpredictable, you may not get another chance!